Essay Writing Competition

'How to reduce fear among masses in Pakistan?'
Welcome to the Now or Never Writing Competition! We believe that change begins with words, and we invite you to join us in our mission to create a brighter, fear-free future for Pakistan. This competition is your opportunity to contribute to this vision by sharing your ideas and solutions on reducing the environment of fear in our nation.
Are you passionate about creating a brighter future for Pakistan? Do you have innovative ideas to help reduce the prevailing environment of fear in our nation? Now or Never invites you to share your insights in our writing competition!
Competition Topic:
- The competition invites writers to explore the topic: “How to Reduce fear among masses in Pakistan?”
- Your essay must include concrete, relevant doable actions that can be implemented to reduce fear among masses Pakistan.
- The best article will be awarded a cash prize of $1000.
Submission Guidelines:
Word Count:
Articles should range between 1000-5000 words.
Submissions can be in either English, Urdu or any local language of Pakistan.
Submission Deadline:
Please send your article to by 15th November, 2023.
Articles will be evaluated based on their creativity, originality, and potential to bring about change.
How to Participate:
- Create: Start working on your article, addressing the issue of fear in Pakistan and proposing practical solutions.
- Submit: Send your completed article to before the submission deadline.
- Win: Our expert panel of judges will evaluate the entries, and the winner will be announced in 1-2 weeks.
Join the Mission: By participating in this competition, you become a part of Now or Never’s mission to dispel fear and promote positive change in Pakistan. Your ideas and words have the power to make a significant impact, and your contribution is invaluable.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact us at
About NoN
- What is Now or Never Movement?
It is a movement started by Dr. Nasar Shahid, an overseas Pakistani who is deeply concerned about the cascading violations of rule of law and human rights, he founded Now or Never Movement to organize overseas Pakistanis to take action.
Dr. Nasar believes everyone has a responsibility towards a better Pakistan. He has role for you in Now or Never no matter where you are in the world and who you are; all you need to do is genuine concern for Pakistan.
- Is Now or Never a political movement?
Now or Never is non-political. It does not have any personal or political agenda. All it aims to achieve in Pakistan is to bring these 3 elements:
- Human Rights
- Rule of Law
- The Constitution
- What do you have to do as part of Now or Never?
All you do is whatever you define for yourself.
-Can you use any platform where you have a following to bring people into Now or Never?
-Can you help spread the word?
-Can you help with the logistics of any mission NoN is undertaking?
-Can you make a list of 20 contacts and reach them out personally to make them aware of NoN
-Can you spread positivity by writing a few words/thoughts about the solution to Pakistan in your regional group?
- How to join Now or Never?
Visit www.nowornevermovement/join-the-movement and fill the form. You’ll be added to our regional WhatsApp chapter in a day or two.